Mastercard is the second-largest payment-processing corporation worldwide. It offers a range of financial services. Its headquartersare in Purchase, New York. Throughout the world, its principal business is to process payments between the banks of merchants and the card-issuing banks or credit unions of the purchasers who use the Mastercard-brand debit, credit and prepaid cards to make purchases. Mastercard has been publicly traded since 2006. Live a form to see the rates for this payment method in the requested country or region for your business vertical
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Processing News is an Online Wikipedia of the payment world. We collect and publish information about payment habits in different countries, describing methods that payers use in their daily life.
We attract website owners and payment professionals on our portal through marketing channels and personal communication. Also we work as affiliates and recommend to the website owners where they can find a PSP who supports their business model and we introduce clients to PSP.
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